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What’s the Right Age to Get your Child’s Eyes Tested?

By Tips and Tricks

Many parents wait until they see symptoms of vision problems in their children before they approach optometrists for a vision check up. Unfortunately, this can cause problems because it is difficult to spot symptoms in young children. Vision screening should be a part of your child’s regular healthcare.

At Vizavance, we provide comprehensive free vision screenings Oklahoma. You can get your child’s eyes tested by qualified experts without spending a lot of money.

What’s the Right Age to Get Your Child’s Eyes Tested?

Most parents wait until their child starts reading and there are clear signs of vision issues before they get the testing done. Here’s a detailed guideline on when to get the examinations done:

  • Six Months – You should get your child’s first thorough vision exam done when they’re around six months in age. We can check and accurately identify issues even in children this young.

  • Three Years – If the first test reveals no issues, you can wait until the child is three years old and about to start preschool before arranging for another thorough vision screening for preschoolers Oklahoma.

  • Five to Six Years – If there are no problems detected during the child’s preschool years, you can wait until they’re five to six years old before getting another exam done. Schedule this one just as they’re about to start their first grade. This can ensure they don’t have any vision-related learning difficulties.

If your child shows no signs of vision problems and doesn’t need corrective glasses or lenses, you can get a test done every two years. Regular testing helps ensure they get treatment on time, if required.

If your child experiences any vision problem, it is a good idea to get them to an ophthalmologist immediately. Don’t delay testing because early diagnosis and timely treatment can help prevent further deterioration. Children who use glasses or lenses require eye testing every year. This allows you to keep track of their eye health and treatments.

When Should You Bring Your Child In For Testing?

The testing will go smoothly if your child is relaxed and attentive. Make sure your child is active and responsive before you bring them in for testing because this ensures they’ll respond to the optometrist as well.

You should also be on the lookout for symptoms of vision problems. If your child has issues like frequent eye rubbing, delayed motor development, excessive blinking, poor eye tracking, inability to maintain eye contact, and other such issues, you need to schedule a test. Poor vision can affect their ability to learn and focus. It can also influence their overall development and cause health issues down the line.

If you want to know more or want to get vision screening tests for kids OKC, don’t hesitate to contact us at Vizavance. You can reach us at the Tulsa office by calling 918 496 3484 or at the OKC office by calling 405 848 7123.

Why Get your Kids Eyesight Tested During the Holidays?

By Blog Post

Vision problems are quite common in children, but most kids don’t undergo a vision exam. Only around 15% of children get a thorough vision exam before they enter school. Unfortunately, around 25% have vision problems that are severe enough to impact their ability to learn.

At Vizavance, we provide free vision screenings for Oklahoma children. Our comprehensive tests will determine if your child is suffering from a vision problem and recommend solutions. We encourage parents to get their child’s eyesight tested during the holidays because:

1. You Have More Time On Your Hands

Most eye screenings don’t require much time and it takes half an hour at the most. However, the optometrist might recommend additional tests or some treatment to correct a vision problem. This might require a few visits to an opthamologist, which is why it is a good idea to get the tests done during the holidays. There’s no need to plan around the school schedule and you have more time on your hands to ensure the test is thorough.

2. No Related School Stress

If your child does have a vision problem, it is best to get the treatment started when there’s no school stress. For example, if you get your child’s eyesight tested at the start of the Christmas holidays and they need glasses, they will have the entire holiday season to adjust. They can get used to glasses or patches and will be more comfortable when it is time to attend school. Children usually take some time to adjust to changes in vision, which is why it is a good idea to let them deal with new glasses during the holidays.

3. Building Confidence

Children often feel self-conscious if they’re forced to wear glasses. They fear being teased by their classmates and friends. If they get glasses during the holidays, they have more time to build up their confidence. You can encourage your child to wear glasses often and become confident while wearing them. This will reduce the stress and make your child more comfortable.

Holidays are the best time for vision screening for preschoolers Oklahoma. You can get this task out of the way and don’t have to worry about appointments during the school term. We encourage parents to get their child’s vision tested every six months or a year. This allows you to keep track of your child’s problems. Most vision problems can be corrected if they are caught early. It is also possible to limit the damage caused by some serious vision problems by starting the treatment early.

Our free eye screening services for Oklahoma children ensures your child gets a comprehensive eye exam (for FREE).

If you want to know more or want to get vision screening tests for Oklahoma’s kids, don’t hesitate to contact us at Vizavance. You can reach us at the Tulsa office by calling 918 496 3484 or at the OKC office by calling 405 848 7123.

Vizavance Makes a Difference To Children’s Lives in Oklahoma

By Blog Post

Vizavance is the one and only nonprofit organization in Oklahoma whose main aim is to advance children’s’ education via better vision. We offer free vision screenings to school children in Oklahoma. This helps in the timely identification of vision problems, which if never identified could affect a child’s academic performance.

We at Vizavance serve 1300 locations in Oklahoma and conduct these screenings at public and private schools, Head Start Centers, and day care centers, throughout 77 counties of Oklahoma. These free vision screenings are done for children in the age range of 6 months right up to high school seniors. A total of 116,029 children have been provided with free vision screening so far during the 2017-2018 school year.

We work consistently and in a dedicated manner to conduct these free vision screenings in as many settings as possible. The objective is to make a difference in the way people look at eye problems in children and get them treated on time.

Range of Tests

Our organization conducts a variety of tests such as:

Response to light
Ability to follow a moving target
Visually-evoked response testing

Visual Screenings For Older Infants &Toddlers

Most of these above-mentioned tests may also be performed in toddlers and older infants.In addition, cover and uncover tests will also be conducted.

Vision Screenings For Preschoolers

The tests that we use for toddlers will be used in vision screening for preschoolers Oklahoma. We may also use the following tests (typically for children around 3 years of age).

Color testing
Visual acuity tests

Visual Screenings For School-Aged Children

For children in the school age group, various vision tests can be conducted with the use of specialized charts &instruments that aid inaccurate vision testing. These tests can be used in the detailed evaluation of near & far vision.

What Vision Screening Means For Children in Oklahoma

It isn’t uncommon for children to experience various eye problems at a very young age.While some of these problems are quite easy to cure and aren’t permanent, others need a specialized approach and treatment. The recommendation is that vision screening should be done in children by the age of one. This is because any vision problems that are un-diagnosed can affect their cognitive development, even at that young age.

Our endeavor at Vizavance is to catch these problems early so that the appropriate treatment can be given to prevent escalation of these issues as they grow up. Early detection of vision issues is essential for children of all ages to reach their full potential. We are proud of the fact that we are able to screen thousands of children of all ages annually and that’s our way of making a difference to the children and communities of Oklahoma.

If you want more information on our OKC free eye screening services for children, contact Vizavance or give us a call at 405-848-7123. You can book an appointment for free eye exams in Oklahoma at the earliest convenience.