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Different Types Of Vision Screening Tests For Children

By August 20, 2018December 13th, 2018Blog Post
In order to accurately evaluate your child’s vision, the healthcare provider you consult will perform a detailed history & physical, which includes a comprehensive eye exam. There are a wide variety of vision tests that may be used to check your child’s vision. While some of these could be used at just about any age, others will be used based on the child’s understanding as well as age. We at Vizavance offer free vision screenings Oklahoma for children ranging from 6 months of age, up to high school seniors.The Different Tests As a leading nonprofit, we work consistently with private & public schools across all 77 counties in Oklahoma. Today, there are a number of different types of vision screening tests for kids OKC including:
Response to light- Infants will blink in response to any type of bright light.Pupil response- This measures the pupil’s response, when a penlight is directed in the eyes. This is one of the best ways to test the vision of infants.Ability to follow a moving target- This is a very common vision acuity test used in infants’ eye testing. This checks their ability to quickly look at and follow any toy or object.Visually-evoked response testing- These tests stimulate the eyes with special patterns or bright lights. The infant will be connected to a monitor with special attachments on his/her head. The device will then record their brain’s electrical activity as various patterns and lights are shown to the infant.
Visual Screening Tests For Older Infants And Toddlers Most of the above-mentioned tests may be performed. In addition, the other tests include the cover & uncover test. This particular test looks for alignment & movement of the eyes which may occur when the child is focusing intently on an object. One eye will be covered with a card while he/she stares straight ahead. At this point, the examiner will carefully observe the uncovered eye’s response.Vision Screening Tests For Preschoolers The tests that are used for toddlers will also be used for vision screening for preschoolers Oklahoma. In addition, the following may be used, generally around the age of 3 years:
Color testing- This test is helpful in determining color blindness in children.Visual acuity tests- Certain charts and tests may be used to measure distant as well as near vision. In preschoolers, these charts might have stories and pictures rather than the letters of the alphabet.
Visual Screening Tests For School-Aged Children For children in this age group, a formal vision test can be conducted with special instruments and charts that aid with accurate vision testing. Both far & near vision can be evaluated using these tests. We at Vizavance are Oklahoma’s only nonprofit entity, whose primary goal is to help improve children’s vision, which also impacts their academic progress in a positive manner. If you want more information on our OKC free eye screening services for children, contact Vizavance or give us a call at 405-848-7123. You can book an appointment for free eye exams in Oklahoma at the earliest convenience.