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What Will Happen During My Childs FREE Eye Screening?

By June 13, 2024Blog Post
girl covering eye with eye test letters in background

During a Vizavance eye screening in Oklahoma City, the process typically involves several steps to ensure a thorough assessment of the child’s vision. Here’s what generally happens at a Vizavance eye screening:

Initial Assessment:

  • Children are gathered in a designated area, such as a school or daycare center, where the screenings will take place.
  • Parents or guardians may be asked to provide consent and any relevant medical history related to the child’s vision.

Vision Tests:

  • Visual Acuity Test: This test measures how well a child can see at various distances. Children are asked to read letters or symbols from a chart placed at a standard distance (usually 10 feet). For younger children, numbers or shapes may be used instead of letters.
  • Stereopsis Test: This test checks for depth perception, ensuring that both eyes are working together correctly. Children are asked to identify 3D images from a set of pictures.
  • Color Vision Test: This assesses the child’s ability to distinguish different colors, which is important for detecting color blindness. Children are asked to identify numbers or patterns within a multicolored dot matrix.

Eye Alignment and Movement Test:

  • The screener checks for proper eye alignment and movement by having the child follow a moving object, such as a penlight or a small toy. This helps detect issues like strabismus (crossed eyes).

Spot Vision Screener:

  • The Spot® Vision Screener is a handheld, portable device designed to help quickly and easily detect vision issues on children as young as six months. You receive results in seconds. Automatically capture an image from a non­ invasive, three-foot distance using the fixation target and sounds that help keep a child’s focus.

Documentation and Follow-Up:

  • Results from the screening are recorded and provided to the child’s parents or guardians. If any potential vision problems are detected, recommendations for a comprehensive eye exam with an eye care professional are made.
  • Parents receive information on the importance of eye health and tips for maintaining good vision.

Educational Component:

  • Vizavance may also provide educational materials and resources to children, parents, and educators about eye health, the importance of regular eye exams, and how to care for their eyes.

These screenings are designed to be quick, non-invasive, and child-friendly, ensuring that children feel comfortable throughout the process. The primary goal is early detection of vision issues so that they can be addressed promptly, helping to support the child’s overall development and learning.Call now to book your child’s FREE eye screening +1 405-848-7123